Designs by Thor

Thor Larsen is a web design student in Houston, TX.

I am working on my degree in Web Design and Development, with an emphasis in Design. I work in customer support now, but I am passionate about learning digital design, even at my advanced age.

Black and White portrait of Thor


A CSS Zen Garden Christmas

In the winter 2019 semester I took a class called Advanced CSS. The final project was to build a CSS Zen Garden page. It was a lot of hard work, but I'm satisfied with the result. My project partner, Jenni Moody, gets half credit for the site design. She created the graphics and still owns the copyright on them. I'm using them on my Github page with her permission.

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Santa flying over village
Zen Garden Christmas
More Zen Garden Christmas

Temple Inn and Suites

This was another semester final project. I used my newly acquired CSS skills to build this site for a fictional company. Now, of course, I would do things differently. But right now, the point of the portfolio is to show how much I've improved over time.

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Temple Inn front page large format
Temple Inn medium format
Temple Inn small format


This site came together over the course of my Web Frontend Development course. It was my first website, and it looks like it. I used Javascript to request weather from an API. It was my first experience with CSS.

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More About Me

Currently, I work for PROS, Inc as a Customer Support specialist for some of their products. Also, I am a student at BYU-Idaho majoring in Web Design and Development.

I have spent the last 20+ years working in customer support. Before that I worked as a Unix system administrator, and geophysical technician. I have worked mostly for software companies, but I had short terms working for a small upstream oil and gas company, and two telemarketing firms.

About this site:

Version 1 of this site was made using Bootstrap, a tool which I recommend if you want to quickly crank out a cool looking website. The font is Helvetica, which is the Bootstrap default. The social icons are from Font Awesome.

Don't expect this site to be static. I hope to be able to test new styles as I learn more about web design. It might even be broken when you look at it.